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Field Type Required Description
envs []Env true Thie field configures the pipeline for each environment, respectively.


Field Type Required Description
name string true This field is the runtime environment such as production, staging, and qa.
task string false This field is used by the deployment system to distinguish the kind of deployment. (Only for GitHub)
description string false This field is the short description of the deployment. (Only for GitHub)
auto_merge boolean false This field is used to ensure that the requested ref is not behind the repository's default branch. If you deploy with the commit or the tag you need to set false. For rollback, Gitploy set the field false. (Only for GitHub)
required_contexts []string false This field allows you to specify a subset of contexts that must be success. (Only for GitHub)
payload object or string false This field is JSON payload with extra information about the deployment. (Only for GitHub)
production_environment boolean false This field specifies whether this runtime environment is production or not.
deployable_ref string false This field specifies which the ref(branch, SHA, tag) is deployable or not. It supports the regular expression (re2).
auto_deploy_on string false This field controls auto-deployment behaviour given a ref(branch, SHA, tag). If any new push events are detected on this event, the deployment will be triggered. It supports the regular expression (re2). E.g. refs/heads/main or refs/tags/v.*
review Review false This field configures reviewers.
frozen_windows []Frozen Window false This field configures to add a frozen window to prevent unintended deployment for the environment.


Field Type Required Description
enabled boolean false This field makes to enables the review feature. The default value is false.
reviewers []string false This field list up reviewers. The default value is []. You should specify the maintainers of the project.

Frozen Window

Field Type Required Description
start string true This field is a cron expression to indicate when the window starts. For example, 55 23 * * * means it starts to freeze a window before 5 minutes of midnight. You can check the documentation for details.
duration string true This field configures how long the window is frozen from the starting. The duration string is a possibly signed sequence of decimal numbers and a unit suffix such as 5m, or 1h30m. Valid time units are ns, us, ms, s, m, h.
location string false This field configures the location of the start time. The value is taken to be a location name corresponding to a file in the IANA Time Zone database, such as America/New_York. The default value is UTC. You can check the document for the Time Zone database name.


The following variables are available in ${ } syntax when evaluating deploy.yml before deploy or rollback:

  • GITPLOY_DEPLOY_TASK: Returns deploy for deploy, but rollback, it returns the empty string.
  • GITPLOY_ROLLBACK_TASK: Returns rollback for rollback, but deploy, it returns the empty string.
  • GITPLOY_IS_ROLLBACK: Returns true for rollback, but deploy, it returns false.

Example usage of this:

  - name: prod
    task: "${GITPLOY_DEPLOY_TASK}${GITPLOY_ROLLBACK_TASK}:kubernetes"  # It returns "deploy:kubernetes" or "rollback:kubernetes"

And Gitploy provides the string operation to facilitate customized values. You can check supported functions at here.

  - name: prod
    task: "${GITPLOY_DEPLOY_TASK=rollback}:kubernetes" # It returns "deploy:kubernetes" or "rollback:kubernetes"